Audustry-Eg (National company for Industrial Automation) is a part of Audustry group. We introduce Innovative Products to the Industry. In addition to that we are aiming to participate in the Plastic Industry as well as CNC Molding manufacturing as service for the Plastic Industry.
Audustry-Sa (Automation Control Experts) has an innovative product (Patent Pending) Plasma head for Industrial Sewing machine.
Audustry Industrial Services Computerized Maintenance Scheduling 1. We help our customer to establish their own computerized maintenance systems. Manufacturing of all Plastic Packages Improving Maintenance Plans in Factories 1. Our specialized team will help you improve your existing Maintenance Plans Machine Fault Prediction using Wireless Networks 1. We can install our award winning system
Machines Development We use our experience in Reverse Engineering to build reliable automated machines.
We introduce MCM services using our own developed software (LABVIEW based) and National Instruments Hardware.
We use LABVIEW Graphical based programming language in Quality control Inspection and automated industrial inspection using smart Cameras from National instruments